2754 Maybank Hwy Suite B
Johns Island, SC 29455
Office: 843-996-4908
FAX: 843-962-5450
Telemedicine Appointments
Board-Certified Medical Doctor (MD)
25 years of experience
Practitioner of Functional Medicine
Small family-centered practice
Unrushed and relaxed visits
Health and wellness focused
A doctor who listens and cares

Patient-related matters: info@chwpeds.com
Business matters: admin@chwpeds.com
Important Updates on COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment
List of products you can order from Thorne to strengthen your immune system and help recover from COVID-19
Advanced Nutrients (includes Vitamin D3*, C, Zinc, Quercetin, and more) SKU#: VMX Advanced Nutrients is a powerhouse formula that supports health and well-being with added antioxidants from well-studied nutrients and botanicals that contribute to healthy aging. *Please see the FLCCC I-MASK+ Protocol for the correct dosage of Vitamin D
ResveraCel (includes Resveratrol, Quercetin, and more) SKU#: SB302
ResveraCel features nicotinamide riboside with a supporting cast of three complementary ingredients that support your body’s natural aging process and cellular metabolism
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) SKU#: SF641
Alpha-Lipoic Acid supports liver detoxification, has antioxidant effects supportive of nerve health, and helps maintain mental sharpness.* It is an antioxidant in both water-soluble and fat-soluble tissues.*
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) SKU#: SA560 NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) is an amino acid that increases glutathione levels, which supports respiratory health and detoxification in the liver and kidneys.*